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”Without elegance of the heart, there is not elegance”


Fashion History


Certain Events...

In life certain events come along, so rarely that special attention must be paid to them.  Events suchas what you might think? Well, Haley's comet could be one, projected to return in 2061!. Another major event would be Kennedy's wedding and the dress she wore.

Now, embrace the fact that even when we are in a relationship with someone we can feel alone at times. Face it, you are sitting there talking to them and they are actually thinking about the football game that's on tv or you can be walking down the street holding their hand while they low key check out other women walking down the street. I will not generalize and say that all men do that, but it is part of their genetic code and they can't be changed or can they?. Perhaps more than genetic codes, it's their upbringing that decides their approach to this sensitive issue. Now almost like the feeling you get when you decide which outfit to wear, the YSL bandage dress with the McQueen blazer and the Valentino shoes, to then decide at the end that you will wear the YSL shoes instead because you feel like you are cheating on the dress if you don't stick to the same designer lol. Have you ever felt this way? am I alone when I say this? If I don't stick to the same designer from top to bottom I feel as though I'm cheating and I know that's silly because it is just an outfit right!. Slowly, but surely I am starting to think differently though, baby steps I suppose. I am also slowly learning to see men differently and I don't focus on them or view them as

cheaters anylonger, instead I focus on who I am and what I do or think about myself as that is the true reflection of what I look for in a partner. Everyone around you is a reflection of you! 














Kennedy's wedding dress
Modern Fashion
New Shoes
Hanging Clothes on a Rack
Trying On Clothes
Gray Fashion
Outfit of the Day
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